10 best 1990s songs about cars or driving

Well, we’ve reached the end of the proverbial road in this roundabout trip through the decades. Yes, it’s the 1990s. The last decade of the 20th century.

Computers were still evolving, and whilst the internet had been around since 1984, it wasn’t until 1994 that the world wide web as we know it (sort of) began.

There were no smartphones, getting onto the internet involved using a dial-up modem which caused many arguments because it made the telephone unusable … something that probably seems very alien today …

There was also no social media, no reality TV shows, no millions channels or streaming services, if you wanted Sky you had to get a dish put on your roof, and if you didn’t have that you were limited, in the UK at least, to 4 channels; BB1, BB2, ITV, and Channel 4. Channel 5 didn’t launch until 1997!

But what about the music? Ah, we had BritPop, Indie, House, and Rave to name but a few, and by the end of the decade girl power ruled!

So, here are 10 of the best 1990s songs about cars or driving that I could find.

‘Car Song’ (Elastica, 1995)

‘Get in the car’ (Echo & the Bunnymen, 1999)

I’d never heard this song beforem it’s rather lovely … thoughts?

‘Start the Car’ (Judas Cole, 1992)

Thanks to Chassis Kat over on Twitter for introducing me to this song … I love it!

‘Seven Little Girls’ (Bombalurina featuring Timmy Mallett, 1990)

The 1990s took novelty songs to a whole new level, think Barbie Girl, Whigfield, 3 Lions, etc. … and this little ditty was a hit in 1990!

‘Stickshifts and Safety Belts’ (Cake, 1996)

This one’s got a bit of a country beat underneath the tune …

‘Objects in the rear view mirror appear closer than they are’ (Meatloaf, 1993)

A fabulous rock ballard …

‘Just Cruisin” (Will Smith, 1997)

Nice car …

‘Bumper to Bumper’ (Spice Girls, 1996)

Let’s face it, no 90s song list would be complete without a Spice Girls song … this song was the B-Side to their debut single ‘Wannabe’ …

‘Road Rage’ (Catatonia, 1998)

This is a cracker of a song …

‘How Bizarre’ (OMC, 1995)

My fab cousin in NZ introduced me to this song by NZ band OMC … loved it … and knew it had to go on the list … but in finding a link on YouTube discovered that the lead singer, Pauly Fuemana, sadly passed away in 2010 … but thankfully OMC’s only global hit lives on …

And there you have it. Our journey though the decades of music has come to an end.

Have I missed any 1990s songs about cars or driving that you would have added? Let me know in the comments below, along with your favourite from this list.

I hope you’ve enjoyed some of the songs on the lists.



  1. The 90’s were the best, weren’t they? I have alot of 90’s on my phone. I think The Cardigans had one? Or was it just the video I keep remembering? 🙂
    I still think a lot of things were better without the internet. Alas, for better or for worse… 😉
    I think Drive to Survive is now available?? Testing begins in 24hrs! 👏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m more of an 80s girl myself, but the 90s definitely had some fab tunes that I used to groove on down to at nightclubs back in my uni days. As for the internet, it has it’s good and bad points … currently reading ‘Stolen Focus’ by Johann Hari … very interesting read …
      DTS is available and we will have had the 1st session of testing this time tomorrow … it’s been a long winter!!!


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