Ask Carla: The Strolldozer

Dear Carla

I don’t know why everyone’s having a go at me after China.

I mean, it’s not like I could go anywhere BUT into the back of Daniel.

The tyres were cold at the restart and everyone ahead of me just concertina-d up, what was I supposed to do? Teleport?

But no, just blame me again, as usual, it’s fine.

The stewards did. Idiots!

10-seconds? 10-seconds?! 10-seconds!!! I ask you, was it really worth a 10-second penalty for something I couldn’t avoid?

It’s just ridiculous.

It wasn’t my fault.

Do you have any advice?

Best wishes


Oh Lance my boy

Where to start? THAT really is the question, forget ‘to be or not to be’.

Let’s start with what I can agree with you about.

Yes, at the first safety car restart the tyres were indeed cold.

And yes, it did get a bit concertina central out there.

But unfortunately, that is where I stop agreeing with you.

Everyone else in that concertina train managed just fine to avoid the person in front of them, and from watching your on-board video, I’m reminded of a (very) old song: “Keep your mind on your driving, keep your hands on the wheel, and keep your snoopy eyes on the road ahead!”

Maybe, just maybe, instead of making excuses and blaming everyone around you, try taking a little bit of responsibility for your actions. It appeared you were concentrating on the corner and turning, which on a normal lap would have been fine and dandy, encouraged even. But, this was a restart, and we all know what you boys are like at backing everyone up … we’ve all seen the pitlane shenanigans during qualifying!

So, yes, technically, it was your fault, it could have been avoided, and the 10-second penalty was fully justified.

But I feel this may run deeper than just a ‘lapse in concentration’. This is your 8th season. You are no longer a green rookie, but a seasoned professional. You show the odd flashes of mediocrity, and your race starts are possibly somewhere near some of the best on the grid, but your (much) older teammate is running rings round you. Last season, for every point you scored he scored 3! And so far this season, he has managed to increase that margin to 3.4!

Therefore, my advice to you is this, stop making excuses for your mistakes. Driving may be your passion, but sometimes our passion and what we’re actually good at don’t mesh well. And so-called motivational phrases like “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” or that Flashdance song “take your passion and make it happen” taken at face value are a big, steaming pile of poop!

Because what if your passion doesn’t align with your true skills and talents? What then?

Then, you have a big decision to make … do you carry on deluding yourself or acknowledge it and be mature enough to say: “You know what? I’ve given it my best shot but I’m done. It’s time to try something new.”

So maybe it’s time to have a long hard think and readjust the sails on the good ship Lance.

Hope that helps.

Much love

Aunty Carla xx

This article is also in Motorsport Monday dated 29 April 2024 (Page 111)

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  1. Goes to show, the rich get whatever they want. Has been that way, will always be that way… It’s sad, but it is what it is..

    Really hope he leaves next season. There are more than a few better drivers deserving of that seat. Especially now that the car is getting better and more competitive. Alonso has helped developed that vehicle immensly.

    Liked by 1 person

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