Top 10 Funniest Tweet Awards: Spanish Grand Prix 2024

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Thoughts? I guess it had it’s moments … not many … but some.

The lack of action resulted in a drought of funny tweets this week, which made compiling a top 10 rather difficult. Mind you, not sure if it’s because there’s a little football competition going on at the moment, or because summer has finally arrived

Anyhoo, I did manage to find a good top 10 for you.

So, without further ado here are the Top 10 Funniest Tweet Awards for the Spanish Grand Prix 2024:

@pgillett2024 with live footage from the Ferrari strategy departmemt … Charles was not impressed …

@jpappone with live onboard action with George Russell as he tried to control those hard tyres.

@MissCarrieW with a look in the pitlane as Checo, Pierre and George all suffered slow pitstops …

@beer_mat_critic with a live look at the certain pitwalls *coughs Red Bull & McLaren* … what has happened to Checo? He was P2 in the Championship, he signs a new contract, and suddenly his performance takes a nose dive and he’s dropped to P4 … as for Oscar, yesterday’s unfortunate qualifying didn’t help … but they should both be doing better …

@Jontys_Corner with a suggestion to add some late-lap drama to the race …

@timwagner66 with unseen footage from the commentary box … you can tell a race is dull when the commentators start discussing the weather and clouds … Karun: “What are you looking at Crofty?” … Crofty: “I’m just looking at the clouds!”

@FvB2309 with an action reply of George’s start where he went from P4 to P1 in the first corner … needless to say it wasn’t long before Max passed him for the lead …

@jpappone celebrates Alpine’s double points finish … I always thought Flav got a life ban after Crashgate, but upon investigation discovered it was overturned in 2010 … guess you learn something every day …

@drummerJoshG with unseen footage from Lando’s car, as he managed to spice up the race with his ‘will he, won’t he’ manage to catch up to and overtake Max … again, so close, but bad start and slow pitstop didn’t help …

@3Legs4Wheels with a plea to find Red Bull’s second driver … come on Checo … you ca do this …

And there you have it, the Top 10 Funniest Tweet Awards for the Spanish Grand Prix 2024.

As usual, let me know your favourites in the comments below.

The Funniest Tweet Awards will be back next week after the Austrian Grand Prix.

If you want to take part in the fun, check out the very simple rules here.

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.


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  1. Red Bull is showing weakness, but Max is relentless. I think if we had another 2 laps Lando would’ve won.
    Out of nowhere Mercedes is finally putting things together??? That’s a scary propostion for everyone else. McLaren has found enormous pace but what of the Scarlet team? They started off so strong early in the season. Now they’re looking to be the 2nd, if not the 3rd fastest team out there??? This can’t be. Especially when things were going so well…
    The points standing has taken a severe reapproach. Lando’s win and his 2nd place has really affected the Scarlet drivers… Granted, the difference between everyone 2nd place down is very close still.. So those positions are bound to bounce around drastically. But Max is still holding top place.. this has to get knocked down quick. We don’t want another Red Bull win this year.
    The other teams are left scrambling. What happened to Aston Martin?? Did they run out of people working at the HQ building or something? They’re not even finishing top 10 anymore.. yikes!
    Same with Torro Rosso (I will continue to call them that because that’s what they are.. 🙂 ).. They were showing promise and now all of a sudden they’re fighting for low to dead last places???
    Maybe it was only this track.. but alot of the Euro tracks exhibit this type of configuration and they’re demanding on the vehicle’s configuration… really hope some of the teams bring upgrades or a better understanding of what the car is trying to do..

    Did you catch F1 Acadamy? That series always intrigue me. My 2 favorites are doing well and the hunt is on for 1st place Abbi.. She’s showing a commanding lead.. hopefully Doriane will be able to make it interesting for the last bit of the season. It’s just too bad they have such a huge break between now and their next race. 2 months without racing single seaters is going to affect all the girls..

    Liked by 1 person

    • The gap to Red Bull certainly seems to have closed, but yes, Max is definitely a cut above Checo … where was he?
      If Lando hadn’t bodged the start and then got stuck behind Russell, and without that slow pitstop, I have no doubt he could have taken the fight to Max, and possibly have won.
      The Mercs do seem to have found ‘something’, but I have no idea what has happened to the scarlet team … they’ve had 2 wins, surely that wasn’t a fluke? Maybe, they’re just having ‘a moment’ … and there’s only a 69 gap to Max from P2 (I’m sure there was definitely more at the same time last year), so it could … could be done … by Lando or Charles
      The rest of the field are indeed scrabbling around for the scraps … and I suppose different tracks will see a different order of scrabblers.

      I didn’t catch the F1 Academy, but will try and catch it next time out. I did see that Abbi Pulling won the first race, but yes 2 moths is a long time to go without racing … surely the bods that sort this out could have organised it so the races were evenly spaced out? But I guess it comes down to the typre of track being suitable?


      • There were so many botched pitstops from a variety of teams. Not their finest hour..

        Yeah, the gap is significantly closer than it was last year. Still, that’s a 69 point gap.. that’s not going to be easy to make up.. they’ll have to pray he keeps finishing off the podium or have mechanical issues..

        We’ll have to wait and see if the next track favors some more than others.

        Really curious where Carlos is going to end up in.. everything is still up in the air..

        Yeah, I’m not sure why there was such a long break between tracks.. I guess they couldn’t get the funds to run the same schedule as close as they could..

        Liked by 1 person

      • I think Carlos will be either Williams or Audi, and I’m convinced Newey will go to Ferrari. If his regrets are not being able to work Ferrai, Hamilton and Alonso, then surely he’d go where he can satisfy 2 out of 3 of those, rather than just one … wouldn’t he?


      • Oh for sure. There’s been unofficial rumors that he’s already signed the deal. It’s a substantial amount too. They’re just waiting to announce it..

        Carlos, Williams has been moonlighting him like there’s no tomorrow. However, with the appearance of Audi.. Gut instinct is he’ll sign with them. Although they’re going to go thru growing pains. Is he ready to sacrifice that amount of time?? Either way he looks at it, he’s going to be left behind for a bit. 😔

        Liked by 1 person

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